Define adamant. adamant synonyms, adamant pronunciation, adamant translation, English dictionary definition of adamant. adj. Not willing to change one's opinion, purpose, or principles; unyielding. n. 1. A stone once believed to be impenetrable in its hardness.From Middle English adamant, adamaunt, from Latin adamantem, accusative singular form of adamās ("hard as steel"), from Ancient Greek ἀδάμας (adámas, "invincible"), from ἀ- (a-, "not") + δαμάζω (damázō, "I tame") or of Semitic origin.Here's an example of using adamantly in a sentence : The adamant substance was very hard after coming out of the freezer. The brick was very adamant, especially after it sat out in the garage all winter. Another sentence: "She was very adamant about her choice of candidate for President of the...ADAMANT in a Sentence. Learn ADAMANT from example sentences, some of them are from classic books. The app collects 40,000 words and 300,000 sentences. Input your word, you get not only its meaning and example, but also some sentences' contexts in classic literature.Adamant in a sentence. up(2) down(1). Sentence count:101+6 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-02-08Updated (10) Sue was adamant about that job in Australia. (11) Michael Jackson is adamant that he will not tour this year. (12) He was adamant that the allegations...
adamant - Wiktionary
Sentence Examples. He is a devoted doctor who is adamant to make the make the best out of hopeless cases. One explanation can be found in an adamant refusal to relinquish ceremonial practices. The appellant was adamant that he had fled and left Burma on the same date, namely 5...How to use adamant in a sentence. Example sentences using adamant.The Word "adamant" in Example Sentences, "adamant" in a easy simple English sentence. (9) He was adamant in his determination to punish the corrupt officials. (10) He's so adamant that however hard I tried to persuade him to join us he did not change his mind.Adamant In A Sentence. Definition of Adamant. (said of people and their conviction) Firm; unshakeable; unyielding; determined. | (of an Her father was adamant in his belief that "Jadoo" and nothing else accounted for her state. I knew she was jeering at him, but her face was adamant...

What is a sentence using adamant? - Answers
Examples of Adamant in a sentence. Robert, a first year physics student, is adamant in his decision to peruse a career in engineering.. He is so adamant in his beliefs that no one can change his mind!. Unemployed residents are adamant about finding job openings..She is ADAMANT that the laws should be revised to make them fairer to women and girls. i took some time off from the gym, the guy doesn't wan tot bet me anymore i guess my friend was to adamant about it and oh well i cant get 50 reps anyway maybe in a couple weeks, I'm going to keep my training...Adamant definition, utterly unyielding in attitude or opinion in spite of all appeals, urgings, etc. See more. The Postal Service has been adamant that it can handle a nationwide increase in voting by mail in the general election.Use adamant in a sentence. Sentences ending with adamant. As for me, I shall be adamant. [8]. But when necessity demanded, he could be firm as adamant. [5]. More example sentences with the word adamant in them. At the end of two months the fact that he had been played upon with a joke...Example sentences with the adamant, a sentence example for adamant, and how to make adamant in sample sentence, how do I use the word adamantin a sentence? How do you spell adamant in a sentence? spelling of adamantw.
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PPT - Word: adamant Part of speech: adjective ...

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Solved: Birkenfeld is adamant that his prison sentence is ...

Life sentence for a crime somebody else admitted to

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